The Curio Mission

The Cause

Curio Foundation is a faith-based nonprofit organisation dedicated to furthering the Gospel through Christian ministry. Founded in 2022 by people passionate about making a difference, our mission is to:


Support and equip people to train for biblical counseling ministry. We believe counseling is a vital form of discipleship in the church and outside of it. It’s needed in two ways, to see the gospel spread to people who have no or a limited understanding of Christ and to help Christians grow into greater Christ-likeness, fulfilling the mandate Christ left for the church, ‘Go make disciples of all nations’.


See sound biblical churches planted in London and the surrounding areas. We believe that everyone should have access to sound teaching, but with a steep decline in healthy churches, there’s an urgency and eagerness to see churches committed to truth, that means we will support faithful men committed to the gospel, in biblical training for ministry, outreach and shepherding.

The heart of our mission is to equip Christian churches and charitable organisations to mobilise for missions through training, to spread the gospel and to be a vital resource in our community”.

We want to serve our communities, by offering hope and support to those with physical and emotional needs, by spreading the love of Jesus Christ. It is this belief that drives us to support the provision of ministry outreach to people who have diverse spiritual and practical needs.

Our trustees, staff and volunteers are committed followers of Christ, and we strive to conduct our business with integrity, to reflect God’s love in all that we do. We believe that every customer who walks through our doors is a potential partner in our mission, so we are dedicated to providing them with excellent service and high-quality products.

We are proud to be a responsible steward of our resources and we are committed to using every pound in the most effective way possible to achieve our mission.

This is an exciting proposition that will need all your support. So if you share our passion for making a difference, there are many ways to get involved. You can support our mission by volunteering, donating, or participating in our counseling support service. Your support will make a real and lasting impact in the lives of those we serve.

Join us in making a difference.

What We’re Doing To Achieve This

Curio is a vibrant online charity shop selling vintage and antiques, launched in 2022. Curio means, an object that’s unusual, rare, novel, or interesting and that’s what we offer, an assortment of vintage goods and what-not’s, that evoke interest, curiosity and beauty.

The shop name Curio, is a play on the word Kurios, which means Lord or Master in Greek, a name which reflects both our Christian ethos and vision, but still retains all of the quirky charm of the brand.

Our shop is run by some amazing people who care about our cause and community, carefully selecting quality items that suit every taste and every pocket, thanks to our supporters’, who give so generously. Our community inspires us, and that’s why every piece in our shop has a story to tell.

Curio has already played a vital role in the local community, using the proceeds from our online charity shop, we’ve been able to contribute to improving lives. Helping a women named Stella, displaced due to a house fire, she found herself, without her belongings, discouraged, alone, lost, and in temporary accommodation. Curio was able to help Stella clean and refurnish her flat, so she could move back in with confidence. Though she hated the idea of moving back, she now calls what was a house, ‘home’, because of the help we were able to offer, her hope and confidence was restored. Read more

So in short, your shopping really does help.

What We Believe

We believe the Scriptures are the totally inspired word of God: written through the Holy Spirit, to reveal his truth to the world, the bible is completely inerrant, infallible, God-breathed and reveals the truth of who God is, 2 Tim 3:16. Men inspired by the Holy spirit spoke and wrote the word with their individual personalities and different styles of writing, 2 Peter 1:21

We believe in the person of Jesus Christ: the Second Person of the Trinity, who possesses all the divine qualities, excellencies, and in these He is coequal, co eternal with the Father, John 10:30 and Col 2:9. He came in the flesh without compromising any part of his divine nature or attributes, Phil 2:5-8. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a the virgin Mary Luke 1:35.

We believe in salvation: a free gift given by God, received through the redemption of Jesus Christ, his death and resurrection. Regeneration or new birth is a supernatural work done through the Son and given by the Holy Spirit, and can only be received by repentance and faith in his work, Ezekiel 36:26.

We believe that the Church is Instituted by God: all who place their faith in Jesus Christ are immediately placed by the Holy Spirit into one united spiritual Body, the church, 1 Cor 3:16. Beginning on the day of Pentecost and continuing today in the meeting of local churches, and will end at the return of the Lord for his bride.

We believe in the Trinity: that God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit are equally divine in essence and nature and make up the Trinitarian deity. God has revealed Himself in Scripture as, one God eternally existing in three Persons, Eph 4:4-6.

We believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ: the word Gospel simply means, good news, It’s the good news message of salvation from heaven written in the bible for men. It’s good news because the bad news is that all were born into sin making us sinners and when the law was bought in it deemed us guilty of sinner destined for eternal separation from God and eternal punishment in hell. The good news is that through the salvation of Jesus Christ both Jew and Gentile can have a relationship with God and enjoy a new life with him eternally.

Any Questions

I’m glad you’re here and hope you’ll stick around, if you have any question and want to find out more about our foundation or guidance with our resources, get in touch we’d love to help if we can.